Nicchimo Sacchimo Ikanai

Jan 16, 2017 23:43
Today I will talk about the phrase "nicchimo sacchimo ikanai".

"Nicchimo sacchimo ikanai" means that something/someone is completely pinned down.

This phrase comes from an abacus term "nshin-mo sanshin-mo".

"Nishin" means "two divided by two", "sanshin" means "three divided by three", and both of them can be calculated without remainder.

From these terms, "nishin-mo sanshin-mo ikanai" (both nishin and sanshin can't go well) came to express that a number can't be divided by 2 and 3, then it came to mean that a calculation with abacus doesn't go well.

Furthermore it came to mean that business doesn't go well, finally it came to mean the meaning mentioned at the beginning.






No. 1 dshanker's correction
  • Today I will talk about the phrase "nicchimo sacchimo ikanai".
  • Today, I will talk about the phrase "nicchimo sacchimo ikanai".
  • "Nicchimo sacchimo ikanai" means that something/someone is completely pinned down.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Nishin" means "two divided by two", "sanshin" means "three divided by three", and both of them can be calculated without remainder.
  • "Nishin" means "two divided by two"and"sanshin" means "three divided by three".Both indicate that the division does not leave behind a reminder
  • From these terms, "nishin-mo sanshin-mo ikanai" (both nishin and sanshin can't go well) came to express that a number can't be divided by 2 and 3, then it came to mean that a calculation with abacus doesn't go well.
  • From these terms, "nishin-mo sanshin-mo ikanai"came to express that a number can't be divided by 2 and 3, then it came to mean that a calculation with abacus doesn't go well. is not possible
  • Furthermore it came to mean that business doesn't go well, finally it came to mean the meaning mentioned at the beginning.
  • Furthermore it came to mean that business is not possible. doesn't go well, finally it came to mean the meaning mentioned at the beginning.
Thank you so much for the corrections! :)
No. 2 IrishAlex's correction
  • Nicchimo Sacchimo Ikanai
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today I will talk about the phrase "nicchimo sacchimo ikanai".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Nicchimo sacchimo ikanai" means that something/someone is completely pinned down.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This phrase comes from an abacus term "nshin-mo sanshin-mo".
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Nishin" means "two divided by two", "sanshin" means "three divided by three", and both of them can be calculated without remainder.
  • "Nishin" means "two divided by two", "sanshin" means "three divided by three", and both of them can be calculated without remainder.
     remainder is correct
  • From these terms, "nishin-mo sanshin-mo ikanai" (both nishin and sanshin can't go well) came to express that a number can't be divided by 2 and 3, then it came to mean that a calculation with abacus doesn't go well.
  • From these terms, "nishin-mo sanshin-mo ikanai" (both nishin and sanshin can't go well) came to express that a number can't be divided by 2 and 3, then it came to mean that a calculation with an abacus is not possible.
  • Furthermore it came to mean that business doesn't go well, finally it came to mean the meaning mentioned at the beginning.
  • Furthermore it came to mean that business is not doing well, and finally it came to mean the meaning mentioned at the beginning.
Thank you so much always for correcting my post! (^^)